Q & AÂ
Q: Can I cancel my order?
A: YES, Orders may be canceled within 24 hours of purchase being placed, as long as it has not shipped. When an order is canceled a 5% of order total price will be retained, this fee covers processing fees and administrative cost. The remaining amount will be returned with in 7 business days (timeline can vary between financial institutions). To start the refund process email Sales@barrel-art.com.
Q: Can I return/ exchange an item?
A: Returns are accepted on non-personalized items and we need to be notifyed within 14 days of receipt of item(s). Return shipping costs are incurred by the customer and the item(s) must be received back to Barrel-Art in new/ unused condition for a full refund. If a product arrives damaged or different than what was ordered we will send out a replacement, or issue partial or full refund. We will work with the customer to find an acceptable solution. If you are not satisfied with the product you received please contact us and we will arrange to exchange, replace, or refund your money (less shipping charges). Custom orders are not returnable.