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Wine and Oak Barrels, A Heavenly Match

Mike Prieto

Wine barrels play a large role in the creation of the best wines in the world. They’re instrumental, indeed necessary, in the aging of the perfect wine. Oak barrels hold wine during the aging process and impart a variety of unique flavors.

Why Do They Use Oak Wine Barrels?

Oak barrels have been used for centuries for this very purpose. They 'season' a good wine as well as other liquors, such as Bourbon and Whiskey. The 'nose' benefit from an oak barrel imparts qualities, such as a rich fragrance that can mimic many smells from a spice rack in your kitchen. Aromas such as cinnamon, vanilla, clove and nutmeg can be present to varying degrees. On the 'palate' side, tasty notes of tea, mocha, coconut and a buttery toffee can be detected in wines from this type of barrel.

The characteristics of the aging process within new wine barrels are accentuated because of the relative newness of the oak. As the barrels get older, as in after six or seven vintages, the effect is less so.

Sometimes the inside of those barrels are scored to expose new wood fiber underneath, however, this can create other problems of stability in the barrel itself.

What Is Then Done With These Wine Barrels?

We, at Barrel-Art, like to purchase vintage wine barrels for the beautiful creations we’re known for. The reason for this is that, just as oak does something so very wonderful to the wine that’s aged in them, wine gives wine barrel furniture and decorative items a unique flair that’s nice to own, look at and use. The aroma can still be detected and the toning that the wood acquires has a beautiful and powerful glow.

Wine barrels are created from quality pieces of wood that have been carefully cut and trimmed to fit together, so no adhesive is needed. This is a perfect medium for the creations we make for a growing clientele base around the world.

Contact Barrel-Art to see what these Old World pieces can do for your home décor.



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